Posts Tagged ‘Uncategorized’
“And did I mention that I don’t lie?”
I had an awesome day at the Takoma Park Folk Festival. People kept asking if it was lonely working the booth for Michael Badnarik in a sea of Democrats and I replied, “No, most everybody here is opposed to the War in Iraq, opposed to the Patriot Act, and for gay marriage; just like my…
Read MoreVote for Inclusiveness, Freedom, and Peace
I’ve survived another week, barely. I’m not exactly behind on my studying, but I’m not exactly caught up either. I should be in the midst of drafting a predictive memo for a negligent hiring case, rather than just briefing the source cases, but hey, that’s what weekends are for. Then again, this one has a…
Read MoreSecret law, secret testimony
The DOJ has asked to keep their arguments secret in the case brought by John Gilmore, the co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, challenging the requirement to show ID before boarding a plane. “We’re dealing with the government’s review of a secret law that now they want a secret judicial review for,” one of Gilmore’s…
Read MoreJack Valenti is an ass
Props to Scott for letting me know that Carrington Vanston is at it again with a wonderful essay on the stupidity of Jack Valenti. In fact, the only thing that’s ever made me want to pirate movies more than that annoying must-sit-through-it-again FBI Warning was the pre-show PSA by stunt man Manny “don’t call me…
Read MoreOreos, Pigface, and relief from convention burnout
Ben Cohen, the Ben of Ben & Jerry’s, made a little cartoon to educate us about the federal budget. Mmmm, Oreos. My friend Brian sent me an email last night about a Pigface song that spoke to him. Excerpt: I was just listening to Pigface’s “Notes From Thee Underground” (1994, Invisible Records); and the lyrics…
Read MoreLoose ends
I had a good weekend. Friday night I went out with the peeps to Cafe Japone for sushi and some really bad karaoke. If I can get pics from Tina, I’ll post ’em. Went to visit the family down at Fort Belvoir on Saturday. Got to play Viking King Kubb, an awesome outdoor game I…
Read MoreThe first quarter-century, a retrospective
25 years ago I was born in Phoenix, AZ. I’ve managed to graduate from college, get a good job, buy a house and survive my first week of law school. I’ve dated a lot of cool women, made a lot of cool friends, and thrown a few good parties. I’ve fed refugees in Albania, been…
Read MoreA sane(r) view of terrorism
The Washington Post has a great article by Gene Weingarten about living with terrorism. He also did a follow-up online chat with readers about it. Well worth reading. We often forget that a) terrorism is just a tactic and b) there’s not a lot to be done about it. Good reminders. Yours truly, Mr. X…
Read MoreLess and less sleep
Last night was my long night. Torts from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, Legal Rhetoric from 8:00 – 10:00 pm, then home to read for contracts until about 1:30 am. I’m a little bit tired and frazzled today. My Torts class is taught by Andrew Popper. He was head of the admissions committee that whittled the…
Read MoreThe rubber hits the road
Tonight’s my first night of class for law school. I’ve already briefed three and a half cases (need to finish the one for Legal Rhetoric) before class has even started. The realization that all of those people who filled out the middle of the curve didn’t get into school with me has started to hit.…
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