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Book Review: Physics for Future Presidents by Richard Muller

“Physics for Future Presidents” should be required reading for every candidate for Federal office. Professor Richard A. Muller, past recipient of a MacArthur grant and professor of physics as University of California, Berkeley, provides the basic physics knowledge necessary for a President to make informed and responsible policy decisions. As a scientist, Muller refrains from

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“Because” is one of the most powerful words in the English language. In Robert Cialdini‘s classic book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” he gives a great overview of the science behind persuading people.  One of the most interesting experiments has to do with the effect of “because” on people. In a study, they had a

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Libertarians Should Stop Wasting Time with the Republican Party

In the run up to last Tuesday’s election, some prominent libertarians wrote about why libertarians should abandon the Libertarian Party and work within one of the old parties (but really, they mean the Republican Party). Libertarian activists should choose whichever party they feel more comfortable working within. That’s what Ron Paul did. Likewise, Rand Paul

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