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  1. Boozie on June 3, 2005 at 4:23 PM

    THAT was hilarious!

  2. ma_bell on June 3, 2005 at 6:40 PM

    oh my god. i coulnd’t hold back the tears and didn’t even make it 1/2 the way through. Being at work and watching this may not have been back the wisest idea, as was completely unable to control stiffled giggles and snorts. Will watch rest at home. Fabulous clip.

  3. Jeremy on June 3, 2005 at 8:48 PM

    Goddamn work internet filter…

  4. Diddy on June 4, 2005 at 4:59 PM

    HOLY CRAP That was hilarious!!

    Thank god I didn’t have to pee, or I would’ve went in my pants…Did this ever air on the show? No way would ABC Family would air this!

  5. Mr. X on June 7, 2005 at 7:35 PM

    Like I said, you were all warned, so nobody’s peeing should have been inadvertent.

    Yours truly,
    Mr. X

    …bringer of laughing…

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