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  1. Jim on October 5, 2005 at 8:07 PM

    Any of the ARO crew at the Red Dress?

    Nice Car! Congrats. What color did you get? Manual/Auto? Too bad you were forced into it though.


  2. Mr. X on October 5, 2005 at 8:38 PM

    All the ARO crew seem to have gotten out of hashing, more’s the pity.

    Brilliant Black, 6-spd manual (238hp!).

    Yours truly,
    Mr. X

    …when are you hashing…

  3. Jim on October 10, 2005 at 9:51 PM

    I finally hired some help at the J.O.B., so after I get them up to speed (couple-a months), I’d really like to come down again.

    I’m currently half-assed house hunting. I think there’s an immature part of me that is kinda stalling on it. Big move!

    I am looking forward to it though. Beats paying rent, and I won’t have nosy landlords anymore.

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Weekend Recap

Friday night was dinner at Alero, complete with pitchers of margaritas and a lot of overloud and inappropriate dinner conversation (thanks, Jaisen). After dinner I went home to prepare for the first year moot court competition in the morning. That was the plan, but after the sleep deprivation on Thursday night, I just sacked out.

Saturday morning I got up bright and early to get into a suit and tie and down to the law school by 8:15 am. The first snowflakes were starting to fall just as I was turning into the parking garage. After fortifying the free coffee with a generous slug of bourbon from my trusty flask, I read through the cases and rewrote my oral argument.

Moot court, for those not in the know, involves competitors arguing cases that have already been decided in front of a panel of mock judges. Points are awarded based on presentation, legal argument, and, most importantly, how well you avoid getting thrown completely off track by some judge interrupting your brilliant soliloquy on fundamental liberty with a stupid question. The secret of appellate argument: What you think matters doesn’t matter; only what the judge thinks matters, matters.

It was a blast. I love public speaking and working under pressure. In spite of the fun I had, I was not one of the lucky few to advance. More free time for me.

By the time my session was done, the blizzard had come. Thinking ahead, I packed a change of clothes, so I hiked to the Metro station and hung out at Shannon’s house. We watched The Funeral and had some food, along with bourbon-fortified hot chocolate. Once the roads were clear I trekked back to WCL to get my car and got home by 11:00 pm.

Sunday was devoted to cleaning the house (minor progress) and studying (also minor progress).

Yours truly,

Mr. X

…catching up…

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