Thanksgiving with the family, stuffed to the gills with turkey and pie. In between gluttony, I played lots of gin with my grandfather and my sister had her fourth birthday celebration. I stayed over and hung out most of Friday, eating and playing cards. Occasional reprieves from the studying are nice.
Over the weekend I sold my motorcycle to a guy from Craigslist. While I didn’t get as much as I would have liked (as is the case with most old vehicles), I was saved the trouble of renewing my registration and the attendant $97. My baby, a 1980 Suzuki GS550, has a new daddy now.
Allyson and I went to see a Chinese dance recital on Saturday night, featuring or friend Teena. The performances were wonderful and the company at dinner afterward was equally so. Myke insisted on eating frog, while I was content with the novelty of drinking heavily from a bowl embossed with a hula dancer.
Sunday was spent studying and taking care of silly domestic things, like dishes and bills.
Yours truly,
Mr. X
…back in the swing…