Contracts Killa

Well, I survived my first class last night. Contracts, with professor Teemu Ruskola (it’s Finnish). We did lots of hypothetical scenarios involving promises of pens and party invitations and explored some of the different theories behind contract law. Interesting subject matter.

It’s really starting to hit home that the left side of the bell curve didn’t get accepted to law school (at least not at WCL with me). Even the people who sit in the back of the room seem like they’re sharp and up on the class readings. This is in stark contrast to my last brief foray into evening grad school, an Organizational Behavior class with a bunch of government workers looking to pad their resumes (and their salaries) with another degree.

I stayed up until midnight reading for my Legal Rhetoric class tonight (and I’m still not quite done). Looks like no free time for a while.

The Tofu Hut has a link to a really good funky protest song, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings doing “What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes?”. Imagine, if we didn’t give the government money to prosecute wars, how would they pay for the bombs? Hmm…

Tonight is Torts and Legal Rhetoric. Whee!

Yours truly,
Mr. X

…sleep deprived…

0 thoughts on “Contracts Killa”

  1. Hi Mr.X…1L at WCL, huh? I just graduated from WCL this past May. I had Teemu Ruskola for Sales/Secured Transactions and Chinese Law last semester. He’s great ;)…although I have to say Chinese Law is much more interesting than Sales. He’s teaching Chinese Law in the spring if you’re interested.

    Good luck with fall semester…you have some great professors. I had Popper for Torts, too. He made Torts understandable.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about life at WCL, etc.

    Rosy Lor

  2. Thanks for the good words, Rosy. Ruskola’s cool and pretty funny. Popper’s incredible. He manages to natter away the first 40 minutes of class talking about the issues of the day and still get through the substantive law of four cases in a way that is both deep and understandable. If I ever teach, I want to teach like him.

    What are you doing now that you’re out?

    Yours truly,
    Mr. X

    …on my way to class…

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