Post Puff Piece on Poor Prez
The Post has a new profile piece on Ladner and his contradictions, in which they try to show the human face of the man they helped oust. Before the audit, before the no-confidence votes, before trustees removed him as president of American University, Benjamin Ladner taught ethics. That’s the heart of his now contradictory story:…
Read MorePussy Beer
No, not the watery and near-tasteless (though improved immensely by the addition of Gatorade) Michelob Ultra that John, Boozie, and I drank after our 13.1 miles of hell on Saturday. That’s beer for pussies. This is rather beer from pussies. Or rather from one pussy. Toi Sennhauser‘s pussy, to be exact. By adding a trace…
Read MorePoker Stars Blogger Tournament
I have registered to play in theOnline Poker Blogger Championship! This event is powered by PokerStars. Registration code: 4897179 You ought to sign up too. Yours truly,Mr. X …more the merrier… UPDATE: Out at 463 out of a field of 1473. Not bad, but not a winner either.
Read MoreLadnergate: Wolff Leaves Board
According to the Washington Post, trustee Paul Wolff has resigned, news that comes only a couple of days after Leslie Bains resigned. An American University trustee who had been openly critical of ousted president Benjamin Ladner resigned from the board yesterday, saying he could not support the effort underway to negotiate a severance deal with…
Read MoreIn Case You Need a Reason Not to Drink in DC
This should suffice. Stupid DC laws. Yours truly, Mr. X …test case…
Read MoreMorning Mencken
A little something to think about this morning: You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. -H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956) Yours truly,Mr. X …digging and spreading…
Read MoreDon’t Let the Door Hit You in the Ass
Ben Ladner, found to have been getting high on our supply, has been sacked by the AU Board of Trustees. American University trustees announced this evening that suspended President Benjamin Ladner will not return to the university after a months-long investigation into his personal spending and travel expenses. The announcement, which came at about 8:30…
Read MoreDon’t Check Your Common Sense at the Door
The whole point of law school is to teach a person how to ‘think like a lawyer’ and impart a basic understanding of the law. Thinking like a lawyer doesn’t mean that you should forget how to think. As my lawyer once told me, “Law is a distillation of common sense. 99% of the time,…
Read MoreWeekend Recap
Red dress, party, car break down, new car purchase, tired. Yours truly,Mr. X …ugh…
Read MoreThe Surreal Life: Ben Ladner Edition
Johnny Law has an update on the Ben Ladner situation, including pics from the on-campus protest we attended yesterday evening. As if the personal chef and exquisite five thousand dollar lunches weren’t enough for President Ladner, the Washington Post uncovered a confidental memo to the Board requsting an additional five million in compensation to maintain…
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