Pussy Beer

No, not the watery and near-tasteless (though improved immensely by the addition of Gatorade) Michelob Ultra that John, Boozie, and I drank after our 13.1 miles of hell on Saturday. That’s beer for pussies.

This is rather beer from pussies. Or rather from one pussy. Toi Sennhauser‘s pussy, to be exact.

By adding a trace amount of my vaginal yeast to regular brewer’s yeast, my “Original Pussy Beer” pays homage to beer’s ancient creators from “the cradle of civilization.” Woman is literally reunited with the beer.

I wonder how it tastes with fish and chips…

Yours truly,
Mr. X

…fruit of the womb…

UPDATE: For those of you looking to make your own booty brew, the Stranger article reviewing the installation has this detail about the…umm…method of collection:

Oktoberfest viewers sat at a long wooden table with pretzels and coasters advertising her “Original Pussy Beer: the Mother of All Beers.” Sennhauser wore a St. Pauli Girl outfit and a stereo played what sounded like Bavarian beer hall music. She offered me a cup and a pretzel while a photographer hovered to catch my reaction. Sennhauser said she brewed the beer with oak chips and stuck a few up her vagina before tossing them into the mix. I sat down at the table, toasted with a few other participants, and drank.

6 thoughts on “Pussy Beer”

  1. The yuck factor’s pretty high. On the bright side, it looks like there was only one keg of OPB brewed, and that was served at the gallery.

    Just goes to show, artists are freaks. Also, combining two good things doesn’t always lead to one very good thing…

    Yours truly,
    Mr. X


  2. As a beer lover AND a pussy lover, I would love to try this stuff! When is she going to produce in quantity, and will my local beer shop (Western PA) be able to get it?

  3. Anon: AFAIK, Ms. Sennhauser was doing this as a one-time ‘shock the squares’ art installation. Sorry about that.


    Yours truly,
    Mr. X

    …strange brew…

  4. Additionally, I know an artist here in Chicago who did something similar by making "VagiBread" for an art show. It actually wasn't that bad. I dubbed it "Chicago's Own Sourdough"

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