Legal Writing (and Doodles)
This divorce petition is a shining example of…umm…creative legal writing. Don’t miss the special guest appearance of General Relief on pp. 8. Hat tip: De Novo Yours truly,Mr. X …aspiring to greatness…
Read MoreChoose Math
Via Boing Boing, Choose Math. Choose math because you will make more money. Winners of American Idol and other “celebrities” may make money, but only a tiny number of people have enough celebrity to make money, and most of them get stale after a few years. Then it is back to school, or to less…
Read MoreCenterfolds
The New Yorker has an excellent review of “The Playmate Book: Six Decades of Centerfolds“. Like most New Yorker reviews, there is a brief discussion of the book and then a long and winding road into the context from which it comes. Joan Acocella examines the background and later works of the various centerfolds, the…
Read MoreCreepiest Safety Video Ever
Via Hit & Run, I give you the creepiest safety video ever. Watch the rat-tailed ape-children get hit by cars for failing to use proper bike safety. Warning: Do not watch under the influence of hallucinogens. Yours truly,Mr. X …mourning Tinkerbell McDillingfiddy…
Read MoreMohammed Cartoons
Professor Eugene Volokh has a good analysis of the cartoon controversy, complete with illustrations. Yours truly,Mr. X …instablogging…
Read MoreOn Folding
I haven’t been playing much poker lately, but in preparation for getting back into it, I read Tommy angelo’s article, Folding. After my first taste of big-time folding, I felt that if I could get really good at it, I could quit my job. So I made folding my holy grail, my quest, my mountain…
Read MoreHow To Become Wealthy
While wading through a very bad argument on The Volokh Conspiracy, I (and other critics) were dressed-down in the comment thread by Clayton Cramer. His critiques were of tone, rather than substance, which I take as evidence for the rightness of my opinion. I clicked on his website, to get a sense of where he…
Read MoreCivil Obedience: A Meditation On the Speed Limit
Some Atlanta students decide to obey the speed limit and video the results.Watch the video. Yours truly,Mr. X …inspired…
Read MoreThe Meme Machine
Heidi, one of Boozie‘s readers, tagged me with one of those damnable Internet memes. In a rare exception to my general rule not to do things like this (the only thing worse are those damn tests, e.g Which Rule of Federal Civil Procedure Are You?, here goes: Four Jobs that I’ve Had Food Distribution Manager…
Read MoreKiller Shrimp Update
In perusing my logs, I’ve noted that “killer shrimp” is one of the most common search phrases that leads to my site. It all stems from a post about a man who died after having a shrimp flung at him by a Benihana chef and his subsequent lawsuit. It looks like he lost. Hat tip…
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