Libertarian success comes from focus
In just a month from now, the Libertarian National Convention will take place in Sparks, Nevada. At the convention, delegates will choose representatives to the Libertarian National Committee who will serve for a two year term until Spring of 2024.
What will I do if delegates choose incompetent and destructive people to control the Libertarian National Committee?
The same thing I’ve been doing my entire adult life: Recruiting, running, and supporting Libertarian candidates in order to achieve Libertarian policy goals.

The Libertarian Policy Institute has organized the recruitment of over 100 candidates across the country in targeted states as of April and has plans to recruit hundreds more to run in the 2022 elections.
Wedge Squared Strategies is bringing together the top Libertarian political talent in the country as a unified team dedicated to helping libertarian candidates succeed in their elections by running campaigns that raise the bar and inspire others.
In my personal capacity, I continue to speak at conventions, conferences, and in media appearances to present the same positive Libertarian message that helped grow the Libertarian Party to new heights from 2014-2020. My focus remains on reaching those who are not libertarian yet, rather than arguing about with libertarians about who is libertarian enough.
Work harder, last longer, stay focused, be a happy warrior, and don’t give too much attention to those who would distract you from that mission.