Marxist Limerick
Found in the comments of this insightful post about suicide bombing at The Virtual Stoa. There was a great Marxist named Lenin Who did two or three million men in That’s a lot to have done in But where he did one in That great Marxist Stalin did ten in. Yours truly, Mr. X …giggling…
Read MoreJefferson on Ancient Philosophy
Michael Gilleland has a wonderful letter of Thomas Jefferson’s, opining on ancient philosopy. As you say of yourself, I too am an Epicurean. I consider the genuine (not the imputed) doctrines of Epicurus as containing everything rational in moral philosophy which Greece and Rome have left us. Epictetus indeed, has given us what was good…
Read MoreWeekend Recap
Friday night was dinner at Alero, complete with pitchers of margaritas and a lot of overloud and inappropriate dinner conversation (thanks, Jaisen). After dinner I went home to prepare for the first year moot court competition in the morning. That was the plan, but after the sleep deprivation on Thursday night, I just sacked out.…
Read MoreThank you for driving badly
Washington, D.C. drivers have an annoying habit of speeding up, then stopping. It’s like stop and go driving is their ideal mode of transportation. Owning a sports car has taught me to prefer the opposite, a smooth driving style of matching speed to traffic conditions to minimize stops and starts. As I commute every day,…
Read MoreRat Pack Cocktail Party
American Express has this points program to allow their loyal cardholders to shop for useless crap as a reward for charging lots of useless crap on their cards. Wonder of wonders, I found a non-crap item in their catalog and I had enough points to order it. What, you ask, was the item? Three Rat…
Read MoreScalia v. Breyer
Having to work, I caught most of the discussion between Justices Scalia and Breyer held at my law school via C-SPAN (first on the web and then in the car), but I got to school in time to see the last bit from one of the multiple viewing rooms on campus. As I was telling…
Read MoreOMG: No Weapons! Color me shocked.
Apparently after wasting lots of time and money on a wild goose chase, the White House has decided to end the search. About freaking time. But wait, there’s more. Chief U.S. weapons hunter Charles Duelfer is to deliver his final report on the search next month. ”It’s not going to fundamentally alter the findings of…
Read MoreLibertarian Girl: Vapid and now Plagiarized
Libertarian Girl has been a busy blogger in the last month. So far she’s done her best to associate the moniker “Libertarian” with vapid, insensitive, reactionary drivel. Examples: Opining on GWB’s judicial appointments without knowing anything about them: I don’t know the specifics of each of his appointments who were filibustered by Democrats, but I…
Read MoreJudgements over appearances
In my ongoing quest to find the right way to live I subscribe to Thus Spoke Epictetus, a service that emails an Epictetus quote each day. Today’s quote: “A man is not indeed like a stone or a log, that you can show what he is by just pointing a finger, but you show what…
Read MoreBalloons are the new clowns.
Be careful around balloons. Like clowns and Santa Claus, they will kill you. Hat tip: Allyson. Yours truly, Mr. X …super freak…
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